BCM annual reports
and impact
We help people to make change happen in their Birmingham communities
BCM’s vision is to see voluntary and community action encouraged and celebrated in Birmingham, with people empowered to make change happen – no matter how small. Ideas flourish and our communities grow stronger and more connected.
Case studies

How BCM supported volunteer Sue to realise her vision for outdoor therapeutic space for children and young people experiencing school refusal.

How BCM gives ongoing support to Arts All Over The Place, having first helped the organisation to register as a charity.

How BCM helped Stirchley-based community group Fruit & Nut Village become a charity (charitable incorporated organisation).

How BCM helped to boost small Handsworth-based voluntary group CASE with connections, documentation and connections.

How BCM helped Kings Heath Action for Refugees (KHAR) with preparations for becoming a charity.
Have we helped you?
If Birmingham Community Matters has helped your community organisation, we’d love to feature you here.

BCM's annual reports and accounts

BCM's latest annual report:
This report celebrates BCM’s capacity to work on a bigger scale than before, thanks to our expanded team. We hope you enjoy reading it.
BCM's previous annual reports
Annual report
Annual report
As the UK emerged from the pandemic, we began adopting our ‘hybrid’ way of delivering BCM’s services: a mixture of online and in-person support. This report tells that story!
Annual report
Why are annual reports so often boring, when our work isn’t? We gave this one a fresh look. It’s called ‘Making the most of a difficult year: our pandemic story’.
Annual report
Our year end is April and it’s interesting to read in our 2019-20 annual report how we were already anticipating adapting BCM’s plans in light of Covid-19.
Annual report
Thank goodness we have enlisted the help of Kerry, our BCM designer, since this 2018-19 annual report. It should be reported to the Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Logos.
Annual report
BCM’s very first annual report! From the days when we were a ‘small voluntary organisation’ with a management committee, like many of the groups we support.