Our vision
Strong and connected Birmingham communities where local needs are met.
Our mission
To support small and micro community organisations in Birmingham to connect and build their skills, confidence and resources.

Our values
- Thoughtful. People come first. We are compassionate towards one another – and our supportive working culture encourages us to be compassionate to ourselves as individuals. We embed inclusivity and accessibility into everything we do – and we never assume we’ve got everything right.
- Listening. Everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to teach. Our motto and peer learning network reflect the value we place in each person’s knowledge and experience. We seek to nurture a diverse team of employees, associates, BCM helpers and trustees, valuing the different worldview that every individual brings.
- Adaptable. We are open to new opportunities, thoughts, and ways of doing things. We respond to the needs of the people and groups we support, as well as the changing needs of communities. We are innovative in our approach to reaching people, and keep our working systems flexible so we can react quickly to new situations.
- Empowering. We are generous with our knowledge, connections and experience. We work with people to explore what their next step should be, rather than telling them what to do. We are comfortable with not having the answer straight away, taking an iterative approach to solving problems.
- Authentic. We foster a culture of openness, sharing our failures as well as celebrating our achievements. We view mistakes as part of being human – and a vital way of learning. This frees us to try new things, ‘fail fast’ if needed, and find more effective ways forward.